
The Story of a Digital Transformation in Marketing
Scientist · 01. July 2022
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION in Marketing means the Personalisation opportunity requires the connected Customer Experience vision with a holistic marketing view of people, of technologies and the right strategy and roadmap to drive customer experience and business value.

Scientist · 02. November 2020
The future of retail banking begins with the customer. Their behavior is changing, some-times dramatically, led by customers who want to integrate seamless digital banking solutions into their daily life. These changes are rapidly spreading to all segments and age groups. More and more people are demanding simple, trustworthy products and services from financial institutions - or companies that provide such services - that put them first.

Scientist · 27. October 2020
Jahrelang hinkte ein Großteil Europas anderen Weltregionen wie etwa USA, Israel oder Singapur beim Einsatz modernen Datenmanagements hinterher. Mit einem Kraftakt bringt die EU den Kontinent nun in eine stärkere Position.

Scientist · 25. November 2019
Speech - AI Monday, Leipzig I enjoyed AI Monday in Leipzig very much. It brought back good memories and allowed a look into the future of AI.