I founded my own company in the Business Intelligence market space in 1993, establishing a consulting and solution provider business in the times after the Berlin wall broke down. I sold my company to join a very successful IPO campaign. Running the German operations as General Manager I entered the Enterprise market space for Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Information Management.


With a focus on the financial services, life science and government I got to know a global working environment of a leading solution provider in the field of Data & Analytics with a strong focus on Global 3000 companies. I was able to extend my knowledge of business development, marketing, program and project management, strategy, solution architecture, (Big) data platforms, data governance, data architecture / management and analytical capabilities.


As Head Data Management & Analytics at 3rd largest bank in Switzerland I covered strategy, demand, architecture and capabilities for Business Intelligence, Data & Analytics. I also assumed responsibility of Head Data Governance.



Founder & Managing Partner


After more than 25 years in business I decided to continue the journey with my own consulting company again.


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